We met at Meadow Lea, on a Thursday as usual, but this was ‘special’ because it was part of the two day Platinum Jubilee Bank Holiday. The weather was set fine for cycling – warm but not hot, mild winds, no rain, sunny with clouds – hence there was a good turnout of Easy Riders. It would have anyway made sense to split into a number of rides, but even more so as many lunch venues might be busier than usual due to the holiday. We had a group of brisk riders, and Neil and I each took a mod group. I was heading for the Bhurtpore at Aston with Andy B, Dave H, Mike, George, Dave & Liz P on the tandem. Trevor also joined us initially and assisted with the initial navigation, but left early because he wanted to attend the first of four Jubilee celebrations he had planned.
We headed out by the Rugby Club and crossed the A51 at the improved junction, where we had an altercation with a driver who was using the wrong lane to turn off the main road. Moving on we passed through Christleton and Waverton, crossed the Shropshire Union Canal by the hump-backed bridge, and made for Huxley. We were meeting lots of cycling groups, no doubt out because of the holiday. After Huxley we crossed the canal again by the Shady Oak and climbed up to Beeston Castle. Then it was on to Bunbury, Swanley Bridge and Ravensmoor. Soon we entered Wrenbury and were bumping over the horrendously rough surface by the railway crossing.
Our destination was soon before us and was no busier than a normal Thursday. Some of us enjoyed the Three Tuns Platinum Jubeerlation Ale (4.2% and exceptionally tasty). Choosing between 3 different paper menus plus specials on the board caused some confusion, but soon ordering was done and we settled down to wait for our food. Dave P was telling us about a fellow cyclist who’d had a heart attack and was told the ambulance could take 3-4 hours to arrive. Fortunately, a driver offered a lift, but this got us talking about various scandals that have affected the NHS, and the risks to whistle-blowers, both in the NHS and elsewhere. We were just getting on to Wrexham’s newly announced city status, when the food arrived. Mike and I had both chosen the small steak and kidney pie which was excellent with chunky kidney pieces and proper shortcrust pastry. Some chose curry, especially Dave P who went for the ‘very good’ hot goat curry. Leaving, we posed outside for a team photo, with Jubilee bunting decorating the pub (and every other pub we passed).
Photo by Steve Ha |
We returned to Wrenbury, crossing the Llangollen canal by the lift bridge. Then it was on to Chorley and along Long Lane to Haughton. We re-entered Bunbury for refreshment at Tilly’s who had decorated their entrance with an elaborate floral tribute.
Photo by Dave P |
The rest of our ride took us past the Ice Cream Farm, on to Greemlooms, and the direct route from Waverton back to Mickle Trafford. In total we had cycling 55 miles in excellent conditions, and good company, it was especially nice to have the tandem out with us again.
See route map and/or gpx file download
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