
Retired, work part-time or shifts, enjoy being out in the countryside? Then cycle the lanes and byways of Cheshire and surrounding areas with Chester Easy Riders: you won't get left behind.
Chester Easy Riders is an independent cycling club affiliated to Cycling UK. We cycle every Thursday throughout the year with moderate and brisk day rides of 40 to 80 miles.

For more information see the About Us tab.

Friday 20 September 2024

19th September 2024: Amlwch Special Ride (mod+)

World traveller Orienteer’er and Civil Engineer extraordinaire Mike G could not have been happier when fifteen cheerful CER hopefuls turned up for this Mike’s second organised ride of 2024. The crew descended on the Edinburgh Woollen Mill complex where coffees and breakfasts were enjoyed. It was great to welcome Mel, Kevin’s partner for the ride. 

As many of our avid readers to this blog (like me) know little of the roads of Yns Mon I will skip the blow blow by blow road directions, trusting the attached gpx file show the route. With fifteen riders we had enough for three and arguably as you will see later four groups. Mel, Steve T, Kevin, Alan and Steve H formed the mod+ group. Anglesey is probably more notorious for its sandy beaches and secluded coves, however the roads that circumnavigate the east are very busy A roads. Thus Mike had devised a route to travel down the spine of the island on lovely quiet roads. 

These quiet roads had a surprise in that the profile resulted in an elevation gain of 2800 feet over just 47 miles. This was delivered by lots of short sharp climbs. On one of these climbs Steve T’s chain became detached, resulting in the mod+ group stretching out. At this time fast lads were also just overhauling us at warp speed.  Kevin hadn’t released there were two routes and took Mel on a peloton chasing exercise to tag onto the tail of the fast group. Later they would make their own way to the lunch stop hence four groups on the road. 

Mike’s route took us high up to Parys mountain and the swooped us into Amlwch. A quick navigation error by the writer was quickly negated by years of holidaying on Anglesey and coupled with cries of “I know where I'm going” led us the wrong way up a one way system and up to the Dinorben Arms. 

The staff of the pub were lovely and soon settled us in with refreshments for all fifteen riders as they came in in disparate groups. It was clear our erstwhile secretary Dave H had “peaked” too early on the climbs and wanted an extended stay in the pub to recuperate. His man Steve T volunteered to bring his chariot “ Berlingo Passion edition” to the pub. 

Thus the return leg resolved to four groups, Alan and Steve T direct to LLanfair Pg, Mel Kevin and myself on Mike's original route, plus the now “rowdy fast lads” having furnished themselves of “guru Cymraeg”. Lastly the mods, who were still awaiting their food when we left!

The route home involved less climbing and crossed the magnificent plain of Anglesey. Of particular note was a mile long Roman Road which then crossed the River Cefni which Mel correctly spotted had been canalised in 1824 and so looks like a wide canal running east to west and is apparently home to a variety of wetland birds and a RSPB reserve. 

Arriving back at LLanfair Pg the fast lads were just leaving and we reflected that between our five rider group , we had four different mileages, as diversions and differing routes had taken their toll. 

So on a day blessed by Welsh Sunshine we have to thank Mike G for a grand day out, and trust our secretary Dave recovers quickly for next week's ride. 

See route map and/or gpx file download

Steve Hu

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Mike for another first class jaunt around the Welsh lanes.
