
Retired, work part-time or shifts, enjoy being out in the countryside? Then cycle the lanes and byways of Cheshire and surrounding areas with Chester Easy Riders: you won't get left behind.
Chester Easy Riders is an independent cycling club affiliated to Cycling UK. We cycle every Thursday throughout the year with moderate and brisk day rides of 40 to 80 miles.

For more information see the About Us tab.

Sunday, 13 November 2011

10th November 2011: Aston

Today was the first ride since last Thursday’s discussion and with notes of the meeting already circulated it was great to find so many members present at the Ice Cream Farm with their pre-prepared rides at the ready.  Jim and Mike G discovered that they had come with almost identical rides employing a circuitous route to the Dusty Miller at Wrenbury.  Ivan suggested we go the extra mile to the Bhurtpore Inn at Aston for the ale, so with that Jim and Mike got down to combining their rides.
By 10:30 eleven of us were more or less ready to depart with Dave Heath struggling to ensure his rack pack stayed attached.  Then with Jim in the lead we were off (Jim, Mike G, Ray, Martin, Andy, Clive, Ivan, Bryan, Brian Mac, Dave Heath and Trevor).  Jim led us out through Tattenhall, Chowley, Clutton, Lower Carden and Tilston before turning left towards Malpas.  At Simmonds Green we took a surprise left to Hampton Heath to negotiate the lanes through to Cholmondeley with the group staying together absorbed in conversation.  Somewhere along here Mike G took over at the front and we continued at the same steady pace to Wrenbury past the Dusty Miller and on to Aston and the Bhurtpore Inn.
The Bhurtpore did us proud, yet again.  Is there anywhere round here that offers a better selection of ales? And who can resist the fantastic selection of curries on offer?  When it came to deserts many were tempted but no one succumbed, possibly considering the need to get back before it got dark.
The return journey was made back through Wrenbury and north to Ravensmoor, thankfully with no one suggesting the shortcut through the ford.  We then navigated the jumble of lanes to Brindley followed by the well-ridden route back to the Ice Cream Farm through Bunbury and Beeston arriving at an unbelievable 14:30pm.  Well the wind was behind us.  No mishaps today unless you count Ivan’s rear wheel puncture with only a mile to go.
A great ride and plenty of time to sample the coffee cake at the Ice Cream Farm before the final stretch back to Chester.  37 miles there and back from Ice Cream Farm and 55 miles clocked in total back to Chester.  


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