
Retired, work part-time or shifts, enjoy being out in the countryside? Then cycle the lanes and byways of Cheshire and surrounding areas with Chester Easy Riders: you won't get left behind.
Chester Easy Riders is an independent cycling club affiliated to Cycling UK. We cycle every Thursday throughout the year with moderate and brisk day rides of 40 to 80 miles.

For more information see the About Us tab.

Saturday 27 April 2013

18th April 2013: Queens Head

It was cool, dry and very windy as we congregated at Hildegard’s. Dave H, Dave & Liz P, George, Paul, Petar, Ray and myself. Brian Mac and Martin were out on a separate ride.
Dave H enquired as to whether anybody had any suggestions where to go and being the first with the Queen’s Head was duly handed his latest GPS equipment in the form of OS Map sheets 117 & 126 to plan a route. After about 10 minutes deliberation taking account of the windy conditions we were of meandering our way along the lanes towards Sutton Green. On through Bangor on Dee then gentle climbs and dips with a tail wind taking in the lanes east of Overton via Cloy Hall, Adra felin then on to Dudleston Heath. After a short left and right in Dudleston Heath we made our way onto Greenbank, Higher Ridge, Perthy and Welsh Frankton. Panoramic views, of the distant Welsh Hills, Briedden Hills and the Long Mynd area to the south were observed. Lower Frankton soon followed and we passed over the Montgomery Canal on a ‘severe’ humpbacked bridge. Queries on how far to the Queen’s Head were being received, so I decided not to extend the run via Haughton and Grimpo but head straight on through Rednal where for about 3 miles we cycled against a strong headwind to our lunch.
Rested, well fed and watered we returned via Tetchill and Ellesmere with a following wind. As we headed towards Overton Dave & Liz P decided they would return at their own pace, so keeping the wind in our favour, the remainder of us turned right pedalling onto Penley and Threapwood. We continued on through Chorlton, Horton Green and Tilston returning to Holt for afternoon tea just before 4:00pm having cycled 50 miles. For those from Chester they would eventually cover 70 plus.

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