
Retired, work part-time or shifts, enjoy being out in the countryside? Then cycle the lanes and byways of Cheshire and surrounding areas with Chester Easy Riders: you won't get left behind.
Chester Easy Riders is an independent cycling club affiliated to Cycling UK. We cycle every Thursday throughout the year with moderate and brisk day rides of 40 to 80 miles.

For more information see the About Us tab.

Friday 28 June 2024

27th June 2024: Malpas (mod)

A goodly number of members congregated in the sunshine outside Maggie’s enjoying their refreshments served by the friendly and efficient staff.

With his usual thoroughness Neil had a comprehensive route for the Mods+ meticulously planned to avoid, as far as humanly possible, cycling into the prevailing WNW wind forecast for the day.  In contrast, I had no plan.  In our usual courteous and civilised manner we sub-divided into our groupings and we were off.

Andy had kindly offered to keep me company and just as we were leaving electric Ray appeared.  He had gone to Alison’s in the mistaken belief that it was today’s starting point.  I did overhear some dark mutterings of duff information provided by Trevor but I couldn’t possibly comment!

I had grabbed an OS map on my way out of the house as Dave H had thoughtfully let me know that he wouldn’t be riding today.  A cursory glance at the map and I vaguely suggested a loop south and then east stopping for lunch when we were hungry.  Crossing the river we headed south.  Through Shocklach and Worthenbury to Bangor on Dee and thence to Overton.  Turning east and then north, with Andy helpfully leading the way, we cycle through Tallarn Green and Threapwood as he safely navigated us to Malpas.  Here we decided to have lunch at the little café Dave H and I rediscovered a few months ago.  Lunch topics ranged from a detailed description of Ray’s recent dental work, not for the faint hearted, to the UK housing market.

Suitably replenished I showed my fellow travellers a possible return route.  All agreed.  This was immediately scuppered as I took the wrong road out of Malpas.  Andy made several attempts to politely point out the error of my ways but I ploughed on regardless.  I thought I knew the road.  I was on the road I had in mind, it was just not the right road.  I eventually had to admit defeat and again take the OS map out of my back pocket.  The loop to the east now became a loop to the north.  We visited Bickerton, climbed Hart Hill and bumbled (as Brian Mac used to say) into Tattenhall.  Turning south and crossing the A41 we turned right at Chowley, through Coddington to Churton to pick up the B5130 back to Holt. 

40 miles covered at an average speed on 11.6 mph.  A good ride.  I must thank Andy and Ray for their patience and unfailing good humour on this mystery tour.  The modern day Easy Rider is nothing if not flexible and adaptable.         


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