
Retired, work part-time or shifts, enjoy being out in the countryside? Then cycle the lanes and byways of Cheshire and surrounding areas with Chester Easy Riders: you won't get left behind.
Chester Easy Riders is an independent cycling club affiliated to Cycling UK. We cycle every Thursday throughout the year with moderate and brisk day rides of 40 to 80 miles.

For more information see the About Us tab.

Thursday 15 August 2024

15th August 2024: Whixall Marina (mod+) AKA Mechanical Mayhem

As I braved the fierce headwind from Rossett to Holt I took solace from the fact that Neil T had a ride planned for us. Known for his interesting and quiet lane selection I was looking forward to grand day out. Imagine my surprise to find Neil sat in Maggies looking like a child on Christmas day that had expected lots of toys and instead had received a lump of coal from Santa. Neil clearly doesn’t look at his handlebars when he rides, as it appeared he had left his computer, replete with said ride at home “charging up” 

Fortunately Nick, Steve T and myself had options, hopefully avoiding the worst of the aforementioned headwind. A decision made we set off for Whixall Marina. The group consisted of Fiona and Elwyn, new member Kevin, Roy Alan Steve T, Steve H, Neil (anyone seen my computer T) and Nick. We had barely travelled 500m when Kevin declared he had a rear wheel puncture. 

The crack team of mechanics had his tyre removed & replaced in 15 minutes. This brief interruption to our ride enabled us to witness the majesty of the the mod group, who cycled past completely non plussed by our poor start. It was a surprise for Nick to be back at his start point within an hour of setting off as we cruised through Tilston. 

The plan was headwind out whilst we had fresh legs and tailwind home. Neil, Nick, Roy and Steve T took it in turns to lead from the front whilst others sheltered in their wake. Skirting Malpas passing Newton Hall we made good time until Steve T’s chain became jammed in his bottom bracket. On re starting he now found he could not select the large ring on the front using the shifter. The only solution being to force it in and leave Steve to grind away in the headwind and climbs. 

As we neared Welsh end an echelon had formed and we were all fairly strung out, the cafe seemed an interminable distance away, as you get road signs for Whixhall a good five miles from the Cafe. 

Once esconced and everybody’s orders taken, we proceeded to enjoy the varied fare of the Marina cafe that never fails to impress. Roy & Alan kindly assisted Steve in repairing his front derailleur. Only for Roy to find as he mounted his steed that he had a front wheel puncture. 

Paparazzi Oates was quick to capture the moment when four people attempted to complete a task one person could do on their own. Roy's space age inner tubes elicited a series of coo’s from the weight weeneys and I feel some internet purchases with shortly be made. Neil T did provide a gas inflator which had Roy up and running quickly. 

Photos by Alan O

As we left the marina and rejoined the main road back we were appalled to be faced with a further three miles or so of relentless headwind. This coupled with “cafe legs” made the first part of the return more challenging, and did I mention it had started to rain….heavily! 

As we rounded Northwood the rain eased and the long awaited tail wind materialised. The long legs past Horseman’s Green towards Threapwood seemed to disappear as our wind assisted wheels hummed along. At Shocklach Nick and Neil T left us to strike out for Tilston and Tannertown. At this point Steve T commented that Fiona and Elwyn had dropped back. A quick sortie discovered a nasty cut in a new tyre on Elwyn's bike, the third puncture of the day. 

As I was availing myself of a lift with Alan I had to bade them farewell and make the six mile dash back to Maggies. A hot cup of coffee courtesy of Steve T was most welcome. 

So an eventful ride, as always with CER the craic was excellent. 

See route map and/or gpx file download  

PS. Update, on arrival at the Cafe, Dave H tried to contact F& E to offer assistance. With no reply not one but two vehicles, Roy and Dave H independently went back to the stricken riders. Elwyn was spared a long walk and enjoyed a ride home in Roy's car. Well done guys, a great example of the CER mantra , “no one gets left behind”

Steve Hu 

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