
Retired, work part-time or shifts, enjoy being out in the countryside? Then cycle the lanes and byways of Cheshire and surrounding areas with Chester Easy Riders: you won't get left behind.
Chester Easy Riders is an independent cycling club affiliated to Cycling UK. We cycle every Thursday throughout the year with moderate and brisk day rides of 40 to 80 miles.

For more information see the About Us tab.

Friday 9 August 2024

8th August 2024 : Whitchurch (brisk)

The weather often plays an important factor in divining a route plan and so it was with today’s ride to Whitchurch. The Met Office predicted strong southerly winds and possibly light rain later on in the day.

With this in mind, I crafted today’s ride offering with an “Neilesque”  approach. Neil has often crafted interesting local rides whilst trying to minimise the effects of strong winds.  With today's strong southerly wind, I tried to compute whether it is better to try to take an East or West out route and a reciprocal route back, so that the wind was always side-on so to speak. I then considered would it be better to ride into the wind out, then have it blow us back after lunch. Whatever might be the optimum approach, we all know that the wind is invariably on the nose and rarely right behind us!

So today’s ride to Whitchurch is directly south then directly north or as direct as the roads would allow. Having given you the raison d’etre regarding route planning, I’ll now get the next piece of Neilesque out of the way.

Lol! - Lol! - Lol!- Lol! - that’s one each from today’s four riders i.e. Steve T, Alan, Nick and myself.

We set off the long way round to Bunbury entering it via the back lanes and climbing Tiverton hill. Crossing the A49, we go westwards via Peckforton to Bickerton and its Poacher. A long southerly routing takes us via Hampton Post Office, where there isn’t a PO, to No Man’s Heath, where there are men. Taking the back lane and the old main road, we weave across the A41 and thence take Bradley Lane. Here a startled and demented cockerel tries to outrun us down the lane. 

A short stretch of Old Malpas Road enables us to ride westwards before hitting Higher Wych road and a long if hilly road down passed Iscoyd Park to hit the Whitchurch to Wrexham Road. We take this main road into Whitchurch sidling down the oddly named Chemistry road. It's now a short traverse the wrong way up the High Street to Jones Coffee Shop after 28 miles.

We have been to this excellent little cafe a few times over the years and it doesn't disappoint. As the weather had been quite windy and cool, sitting inside today was appreciated. With smoked salmon and scambled egg, or a filled panini in equal measure, we were quickly re-fuelled for the short 17 mile return ride.

The weather had slightly deteriorated with light rain in the air and with rain jackets on, we weave our way out of town passing Grindley Brook. Here the petrol station is choc-a-bloc with motorists gorging on fuel about 10p/litre cheaper than anywhere around. We head up the A41 turning right into a peaceful Bell o’the Hill Road. This rises up passing a few farms to hit the A41 further north. We cross here to continue on the old A41 passing the said Bell o’the Hill pub which has long been closed and in a very sorry state for what must have been a splendid Elizabethan style property. 

Rejoining the A41 again, it’s a short stretch to once again ride the old A41 and continuing on to hit the Bickley Wood road. We turn off at  Bickley Town (yes - blink and you miss it!). Alan reminds me that we need a group photo so I suggest the Cholmondley Castle cafe as a picturescque backdrop. Nick picks up on this and suggests a coffee stop here which we all agree upon. So this is where the group photo was taken today.
The mizzly rain was more of a nuisance than anything else - the roads weren’t even wet and eventually it peters out. As we hit the Wrexham to Nantwich Road, Nick peals off bound for Duckington and home. We three now re-ride along the Peckforton Hills along Stone House Lane and peal off sliding down hill to Tiverton bottom from whence we climbed out on the way out in the morning. After the long climb out up to the A51 traffic lights, I steer Alan and Steve into Tarporley High Street where they turn off to Rose Farm with 47 miles ridden.

Like lots of rides, the weather makes a great difference to whether you turn up on the day, and/or stay dry or get a dousing. So we were glad that we had turned up today as the rain was much less of a problem than advertised, and the wind although strong, was ameliorated by deep and high hedge lanes.

This ride was more like a ride of yesteryear where only the ride leader knew the route and the riders were in sheep mode. I prefer this as it adds mystery to the riders in sheep-mode and also allows the ride leader to modify the route on the fly if necessary.

So many thanks to the three sheep-mode riders today for allowing me to take them in a double figure or eight routing to Whitchurch and back

See route map and/or gpx file download


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