Where do I start today? I’ve
got so much ammunition from this ride that it might take me a week to write
this up- “what’s new” you say- Lol. Let’s
start at the beginning of time, well maybe a bit later and at Meadow Lea cafe,
where at least 20 of us came together. It
was a lovely blue sky day that would provide plenty of opportunity for me to
poke fun at a few of our members-Lol.
the 20+ were a few not riding, namely DH+ the pooch, Steve T and Ivan who were
all in their civvies. Clearly they had been kicked out of the house- “what do you
mean you're not cycling today. You're not staying here, get out”. - Lol.
was especially nice to see Ivan back from his holiday ordeal, which I dare say
we all hope is well behind him now. He
even got his bike back, after the local police tracked it down to another
police station, so it hadn’t been stolen as he first thought.
a special note for Mr.& Mrs. Pipe, who turned up on time, can you believe-
also introduced a new member (Paul, who
subsequently joined my group of 6), who I shall call ‘The Pantomime Crew’,
for reasons that shall become apparent as you read on. And to be fair I have to
include myself in said pantomime- surely not- Lol.
it was that Alan, back from his hols, Shane, Chris, Paul, Clive (who joined us
for a nice easy day) and of course Steve, ‘I’m a
bit shy and short of words’, Hughes, all became ‘The Pantomime Crew’- Lol. As
usual I had planned my route around the expected wind for the day, which was a
stiff southerly, right in our faces from the off, but only for a mile, as we
head out left to the A51. I
shouted “left, on to the cycle path” of the A51, in order to safely get to the
traffic lights and swing left up to Great Barrow.
target being Helsby and my promise of a few short hills, on the Sandstone
Ridge, all the way to our lunch destination of the Farmers Arms, at the top of
Kelsall. This enabled us to cheat the wind.
moving well with a cross tailwind, we are soon beyond Manley Mere
and tackling the ‘devils elbow’ as I call it, which I remarked to the group, is
the nearest any of us are likely to ever get to climbing Alpe d Huez, although
I have driven up it and that was enough to make me feel sick- Lol.
was only a mile or so later that we pulled over for Alan to take off his top,
Well! for some reason everybody seemed to take it in turns to undress, after
watching each other. This seemed to take an age, so long in fact that I then
made it worse by needing a nature break. Paul
was almost naked ,at one point, still astride his bike, with kit all over the
place / ground (why didn’t he get off his bike?-Lol)
never seen such a pantomime, not since Steve Hu stripped on the Greenway, a
year or so back- Lol.
were that many costume changes, I half expected Widow Twanky to ride past me,
as we finally got going again. At least the view over the Cheshire flats was
were immediately into a very fast downhill and only a mile from Helsby. Once we
turned left we rode through on Old Chester
Road, negotiating the worlds longest running bit of road works, which as Clive
remarked, “it must be at least 3 years now, but at least we get a skills test
out of it” as we weaved through the red and white bollards. Now
past the obstacle course, we descend to our next right turn and swing around
the back of Helsby, where I point out ‘Hill Lane’ to Chris, which we pass on
our right. One of the nastiest dead end climbs that I know of (ridden it many
times and it never gets any easier)
on, we head down hill toward Frodsham, only to turn right after a half mile, on
to one of my favourite uphill lanes This was the
start of a nice steady climb (1.5 miles on the ‘Ridgeway’, to the top at
Birch Hill). This
obviously lead to a nice descent and a bit of a chase, in order to pass a
mountain biker we were closing on, before the very short & steep Brines
Brow Lane. Ears
back and nostrils flared, I set off after said mountain biker and as I pass
them, with a good bit speed, I thought, Chris flashes pass me. Suffice it to
say, I was slightly surprised - Lol.
over, we settle into a pace that allowed a regroup and a steady pace to our
lunch stop at the Farmers Arms, after passing through Kelsall via the main drag
up. We
pull into the pub, which is also called the Crows Nest cafe and find the place
empty. Within 5 minutes and just getting our orders in, there were 30+ cyclists
in there. Apparently ‘Carols Crew’ had dropped in. Feeling chuffed that we had
beaten a rush, we settled into some interesting conversation and banter,
thinking our lunch may take a while, but not for some, as next thing I knew,
Chris was tucking into sandwiches of his own. Now I know why he always has that
little ruck sack on his back, which explains why he never tries to beat Steve
Hu to the front of the order queue, which normally starts from about a half
mile out- Lol.
the food came promptly, so we didn’t have the expected delays, that came later
on, thanks to Alan- Lol.
Photo NT
sooner had we descended Quarry Lane, I realise I had cocked up the route (yes!
I Am fallible- Lol )
meant we weren’t going to pass very close to Rose Farm, as originally planned.
However, in the ensuing discussion on a re-route, I offered up a change, but
then Alan piped up and wasn’t shy in showing his disappointment for missing
Rose Farm cafe. Little did we know that he had planned on us stopping there,
because he wanted to visit Kelsall Bike Repair, which as most know is now behind
Rose Farm, in their swanky new unit. So,
after a fairly one way discussion, we were forced to climb back up the ridge,
but not to restore the integrity of the route, no,no, no, but for Alan to buy
a pair of sunglasses can you believe???? “What! Unbelievable”, I hear you all
say- precisely - Lol, Lol.
felt sorry for Clive who didn’t pick up on the discussion and simply followed
my wheel, as we set off again. However, he was gobsmacked when we pulled into
Rose Farm. I think he shouted “what are we doing”, as we pulled in behind the
units and stopped at the bike shop. He stood across his bike, with his hands in
the air. It was left to me to fill him in with some sign language that I can’t
repeat. Suffice it say, I was pointing in the direction of Allan- Lol. Clive’s
chuckle, suddenly made everything feel good again.
you, while we were there, I learned that Tom Pidcock comes from the area and in
fact his parents still live at the bottom of Yeld Lane, where the Kelsal Bike
Repair used to be. Anyway,
and after a 15 minute delay, we set off again with the ‘Rayban
Mugger’ in tow at the rear. We were quickly backtracking along John Street and
hurtling down the hill, that we had recently ridden up- Lol. We
turned left heading for Duddon and Walk Mill beyond, which is where I leave the
‘Pantomime Crew’, saying good riddance - Lol. In actual fact I was sad to be
leaving them, because I was worried they might not find their way home-
had a different homeward plan from Waverton, so I can’t enlighten those of you
who might still be reading this diatribe - Lol. Except that is, that Chris was
talking of following Clive home, so he could attempt to beat him up a
particular hill. I’m guessing Clive dropped him on a previous occasion, who
knows- Lol.
a great day out, with a new lunch venue and a good bunch of cyclists, except Alan
of course - Lol and despite my occasional dismay and verbal abuse of my fellow
companions, I thoroughly enjoyed it. We had a few good laughs all round.
got home with 45 miles on the clock and 700 mtrs of ascent (Thanks Alan- Lol)
this took so long to post, but you guys simply gave me too much to write about
and I left a lot out- Lol, Lol
next time,
Wind Whisperer
later learned that both Steve Hu and Shane went on to complete 100 miles, after
we were all showered and finished. This was in fact Steve’s second 100, as he
did the same after last weeks CER. How does he manage to ride 100 miles, with
at least 40 of them without anybody to talk to?-Lol.
also deserves a special mention for his 100 on the day. I believe he not only
finished in the rain but also in the dark- what!! Is he mad?? Each to his own,
I suppose. However, well done to you both, especially in that stiff wind.
See route map and/or gpx file download