My recent e-mail suggestion for a volunteer to write the weekly CER Report was met with deathly silence, as was Bryan’s request to the group when we met up in Rose Farm; so, I thought that I’d start the ball rolling as the Pipe Duo were leading this ride out to Goostrey. It was good to see both Bryan and Mike M for coffee before the start, where Bryan reminded us to sign up for the Special Rides coming-up soon.
Photographs by Brian MacDonald

Andy, Brian, Dave M, Dave P, Dominic, Lizzie, Paul, Ray, Roy, Steve and Trevor all assembled for a disjointed group photo outside (pic 1). Dave M initially led us at a smart pace out past the Race Track to the start of the Whitegate Way, where he peeled off home. A meander along the shaded former rail line (pics 2 & 3) brought us out near the canal in Winsford. We continued east via Davenham (pron: Dave – n – ham, I was told), crossing the old Roman road that is now the A530. Ten of us arrived at The Red Lion at Goostrey without a booking, but the manager didn’t mind, as they had served 50+ cyclists “much older than us” the previous day, with no problem.
Our resident chemist Andy gave us good news when he announced that beer at 3.6% hydrates in this hot weather, but at > 4%, it doesn’t. Question: Can I have a skinful then at 3.4%? I thought that the beer at the pub was better than the food, but it was good value, considering that the place is in the Manchester commuter belt.

We took a southerly route back, led by our newest and youngest member, Dominic. After skirting Holmes Chapel, we passed to the south of Middlewich; for those who studied Latin, it was named “Salinae”, as the town was their largest supplier of that precious commodity, salt. A helmet-cam would have been useful here, when a plonker driver of a skip-lorry blasted his air-horn right next to us, causing Dave P to take to the hedge, fortunately without injury. Unfortunately, it all happened so quickly, no one took his reggo or business name.
Passing through Church Minshull, we were all gasping in the very high temperatures by the time we reached The Shire Horse Centre at Cotebrook for a cuppa. Continuing on the final leg, Liz and Trevor peeled off to their cars at Utkinton, after a very hot 50 miles, whilst the remainder went downhill to Chester, clocking about 75 miles.
Some lessons learned today for future leaders and writers of these Reports:
1 Make a note of who is riding before you set off, as you won’t remember a few days later.
2 Ask the leader where we have been, BEFORE you go home
3 Write it up asap, when details are still fresh
4 It doesn’t take long to scribble something down; this took < an hour
5 Bring an OS 1:50,000 map and a pencil. It worked for Dave P & Dominic today. Garmins are not compulsory
6 Leading by committee actually can work. Most members have some local knowledge of an area, and don’t even need a map; just ask