Delamere station cafe was the venue for today’s ride, which saw approximately 9 of us in total + a newcomer. We all arrived in different states of dampness, for those who rode that is, due to the unexpected shower. I didn’t catch the name of the newcomer, but I believe he joined Steve Ha’s group.
We split into 3 groups, fast and 2 moderate groups. This was primarily because Steve Ha’s route was directly east, which would mean too many miles for me, having ridden in from the west and I also didn’t fancy the expected tough headwinds they would encounter on the way back. More about that later. I therefore decided I would follow an all time favourite of mine, south westerly via the Whitegate Way (WW) which would provide a nice tail wind coming back- Lol. This appealed to Steve Hu & Allan, which meant I wasn’t doing a ‘Billy no Mates’ ride; oh to have friends- Lol.
We set off heading for Bickerton Poacher / Tilly’s cafe (decision to be made on route) by which time the light showers had stopped. In fact, I think we set off in sunshine- Lol (opposite to the forecasts). As expected the WW was perfectly rideable, despite yesterday’s heavy rains, in fact it was dry, bar the odd little patch & even then it wasn’t sloppy puddles & mud. Allan hadn’t ridden this route before, but Steve had, which provided him plenty of opportunity to regale about the last time we rode a similar route, although it was more of a character assassination of my leadership- Lol.
All I did was put him on the wrong road back to Delamere cafe, the last time he rode this route with me, you’d think I made him walk back, the way he was carrying on- Lol.
To be fair to me- Lol. Ray, who was on that ride, said he knew where he was going when I left them. So I thought no more of it, as they set off down the wrong road- Lol.
I got 2 miles down the road on that day and suddenly realised what I had done, but it was too late to go back- Oops!
Anyway, back to today & a faint shower again as we were about to turn off the WW, after 5 miles-ish. This provided the opportunity to enlighten Allan as to the Station House cafe, which used to be the old railway Station of course. The only cafe I have ever been to where the toilets are 150mtrs down the road- Lol. This cafe is a charity run affair, so I am told, which means you need to check whether its open in winter, if planning to stop there. This also provided Steve the excuse to stop in order to don his waterproof. No sooner had he done so when the drizzle stopped- Lol.
Now on the main drag, heading for Little Budworth, we pick up our pace a little and before we knew it we were passing Oulton Park race track, although there was none of the usual track noise. I can’t remember riding past without hearing the gorgeous howl of some kind of race or track day. I used to visit that track in my young RAF days, now I ride past it almost every other week - Lol.
Onward and upward we are now heading towards Bunbury via Tilstone Fearnell, along another favourite stretch of lanes (because of their fab condition & open vista’s across the Cheshire plains). Unfortunately, the open lanes meant I was copping the full force of the headwind, not that Steve knew (I swear I could smell burnt rubber from his tyre rubbing on my rear tyre, he was that close. And gloating about it-Lol)
We stop for the obligatory team photo at my favourite lock (enclosed, along with few other pics on route) After a couple of little hills and up to the Dysart Arms, we flick down past the church into another favourite little lane, which drops us into the back of Bunbury, after passing the mere, which on a good day you can spot large gold fish.
Suddenly, to Allan’s surprise, we are at Tilly’s. Steve was already salivating over the prospect of ‘Eggs Royal’, which is the best in Cheshire in my opinion (all because of a dash of vinegar in the Hollandaise sauce apparently - Lol). “Sorry but the breakfast menu finished at 12!” (now 12:15) was the response to our request. This lead Steve & I to plead for understanding, Steve, with his best ‘pussy cat’ face & quivering bottom lip-Lol. “We have ridden 20 miles + for this particular special & our friend would also like to try it”. Our plea had the desired effect, after checking with the powers that be, however, Allan suddenly changed his mind, once he realised there was smoked salmon involved (I mean, who doesn’t know that eggs royal has smoked salmon in it, except maybe DH- Lol). After a pleading apology, we get our order & in double quick time as well. Not surprisingly conversation revolved around the current cost of living crisis, in particular, where is the cheapest car juice & how to service heating/ water systems- Lol. Once we had decided that cake would be too much, we set off again, in sunshine!
I decide to head for Peckforton, because somebody told me last week that the road past the castle had been resurfaced and I wanted to confirm that. Plus it would be a good opportunity for another team photo. This is a lane that I normally avoid in winter, due to its condition. However, the report was correct. They have not only patched it, but resurfaced large sections of said lane, although not the section between the Bickerton Poacher and Peckforton Hall Lane, as I found out 2 days later, when I rode it.
Back to the story; After stopping for another team pick at both Peckforton and Beeston castle entrances, I lead the guys down hill to my absolute favourite little stretch, over the hump back bridge at the Shady Oak pub (the lane there is in stunning condition & fast, just love thrashing down there and getting a glimpse of the canal. This leads us in to Brassy Green and up to Tarporley, which we by pass and head toward Eaton, skirting the back of McDonald Portal golf club. It must have been at least half a mile+ beyond the golf club when I realised what amazing powers of observation Steve has, when he commented “ isn’t there a golf club around here”- Lol)
It was also around this time that Allan queried where I was going to leave them, as he was thinking about which way he should head home. I pointed out that he had already missed his best, direct opportunity, at which point he decided he would head back to Delamere cafe. That way Steve couldn’t get lost again, the poor lad. I therefore decided to go a little further and drop them both at the now infamous Cotebrooke junction- Lol. This would allow me to correct the easy mistake I made last time, which of course set Steve off again, once we got there- Lol.
After pointing out that the little conservatory cafe had gone at Cotebrooke junction, I leave the guys, but not before a last tirade from Steve- Lol) I head straight over and up the hill for my 10 miles home, directly into wind, although not as bad as expected- Lol.
I got home, with 53 miles on the clock. As for Steve he got back to Delamere with 35 miles completed, which was 5 miles less than intended. This was because we didn’t stop at the Bickerton Poacher, choosing the shorter route of Tilly’s. Allan had the biggest ride of us all, having ridden in from Timbuktu or somewhere like that, which meant he must have managed a Grand Fondo at least (nice one)
Thanks to my companions, which made the ride a cracker to be fair, with only a light shower and a few winds.
Photos by CER |