
Retired, work part-time or shifts, enjoy being out in the countryside? Then cycle the lanes and byways of Cheshire and surrounding areas with Chester Easy Riders: you won't get left behind.
Chester Easy Riders is an independent cycling club affiliated to Cycling UK. We cycle every Thursday throughout the year with moderate and brisk day rides of 40 to 80 miles.

For more information see the About Us tab.

Friday 26 July 2024

25th July 2024 : Wheaton Aston Special Ride (Brisk)

Today’s ride by the three Lone Rangers aka Nick, Steve Hu and myself, was a very fast 61 mls at 16.2 mph. Steve T had asked me to review the two specials rides I had crafted for our first group ride to the Hartley Arms in Wheaton Aston back in April 2019. There were 5 Mods and only 3 Brisk riders on that day. So I set about tweaking the routes to provide additional interest to those riders who would be riding in both the 2019 and 2024 rides. This amounted to Nick (brisk) followed by Dave H, Trevor and Andy B and myself (now on the brisk ride) on the Mod ride. The total number today was 12 riders; 3 Brisk and 9 Mods.

The brisk ride took us out via Norton in Hales then clockwise down to Wheaton Aston, whilst the Mods rode in an anti-clockwise direction. Soon after setting off, Nick needed to stop to take a call whilst Steve wanted to ride on. So I asked him to stop at the church turn in Norton. Nick and I arrive and no Steve in sight. A brief call elicits the response that as the first 7 miles were all uphill, then Steve wanted to carry on and we would eventually catch him up. Well Nick pushed hard and I managed to keep on his tail as we ascended to slide around Loggerheads with no Steve to be found. We pushed on and then at Eccleshall we finally catch up with Steve. It took us 14 miles to do so!

Together again, we head in a broadly southerly direction through village after village always into the strengthening SW wind. We arrive at the pub just a few minutes after the Mods with 31 miles ridden to their 22. The pub reacted fairly promptly to our arrival with the delivery of our pre-ordered food choices yet strangely the cutlery was delivered after everyone had their food and now had sticky fingers . 

We are soon off again down to the A5 at Ivetsy Bank for a short run westwards to slide off in a north westerly direction towards the edge of Telford. We pass by Lilleshall National Sports centre hidden behind a golf course and the old abbey and all swathed in trees. It was a lovely fast downhill run before circling MOD Donnington - a barracks and fulfilment centre. 

Finally our route is turning northwards and we get a helping hand from the south westerly wind at last. Stopping in the middle of nowhere, there are two big fields of poppies. Poppies have been grown in the UK for conversion into morphine analogues and it seems there is still a commercial interest in doing so as today. Anyway - quite a lovely sight to see.

Not often seen as a cash crop!
We get back to Morrisons after climbing the last very steep hill, which was the first downhill for the Mods, to see that the Mods had only recently arrived back themselves. So a grand day out for all, with a warm and close day with little sunshine but no rain. So many thanks to Steve T for the idea to resurrect this out-of-area ride to Wheaton Aston; and thanks also to Nick and Steve for sheltering me from the wind on our fast riding sections today - the only way I could keep up!

See route map and/or gpx file download


Photo SHu

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